Not what I'd intended to do

I had all sorts of plans for today. One was to polish up a few forks that were looking a bit tarnished. I then thought - "What about the teapot?". So I started to clean the teapot (not the one that we use every day - this one is purely decorative, and I might add, is NOT solid silver, it is merely plated).
Then I found that the Brasso was so old that it was like dried leaves. So then I had to visit the shops to buy some more metal polish. Then I thought it would be a good idea to buy some stuff to clean my rings (as that was next to the metal polish). So I bought that too. I then returned home, and spent the next few hours polishing and cleaning.
Not what I had intended to do today at all. 
By this time, it was dark and cold and raining, and I had no Blip. So here is the polished teapot.

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