miss negotiation!

If you need someone to negotiate for you, I am offering up Sienna. Her ability to negotiate with the swim teacher, her swimming lesson, on her terms, this afternoon was rather impressive. The poor guy didn't know what had hit him - except to say "I'm feeling that she is the 'boss' is this situation!". In fairness she has always done everything exactly on her terms - I am hoping believing not to be difficult as much as she needs to reassure herself that she is actually ready for whatever she is being asked to do. She's not called 'Miss Health & Safety' for nothing!

Photo taken this morning when the light was coming through, probably while I was (and I am not a parent that usually offers up options!) 'negotiating' her getting dressed into ballet clothes before breakfast - not after!

Now I can hear her compromising with her brother that she really can't watch a DVD with him in the room as she needs her space.

She is five, she makes the other four children look like the sweetest most obliging children to walk this earth. I promise we have parented the same, honestly!

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