Flossing his teeth
School Kermesse today (end of term party - games for the kids and a late night for all) so busy this morning preparing cakes for the kids and snacks for grown ups.
Katherine's class were at a basketball tournament all day - which we had to drop her off at. However, she managed to go missing - finally showing up back at the car with just enough time to race her to the meeting point but covered with soil and rhubarb juice - having accepted an invitation to go and pick rhubarb with a neighbour for some strange reason.
Any way, she seemed to have a fine time at the basketball (eighth team out of, err, eight) and came home full of cake to get ready for the kermesse.
The kids had a great time playing all the medieval games (theme for the year at school) and put on plays and entertainments for us all - including a very fun version of the Gruffalo (in English) by the lower half of the school. The reward for winning games was tokens that gave access to these huge candy floss balls. Then aperos for the grown ups and, finally a huge medieval banquet with hunks of meat being eaten off bread plates (though I was glad I'd taken plates and cutlery when it came to the pea puree!)
We were sitting with reasonably chatty folk - particularly once we brought out the box of wine we'd brought. These evenings are always fun, but short on wine so we just take our own. Those in the know (the committee) seemed to keep disappearing inside and reappearing with bottles of wine, but not spreading them around. Ah well.
Meanwhile, the kids were either forming a surprisingly orderly queue to shoot baskets, or racing around like mad things. While Conor made friends with the 'big boys' playing basketball, Katherine was racing around the (dark) shrubbery. The inevitable injury was half a tree impalling the sole of her foot. She bravely submitted to my clumsy attempts to clean it (tipping a jug of water on it) and bandage it (with kitchen roll) but we eventually had to carry her home and sort it out properly. Mind you, that was at midnight so it's not like we were being party poopers.
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