Would you trust this woman?
I hate having my picture taken. Unless I am the right side of a large glass of wine I will hide or grimace or produce some other entirely unflattering or inappropriate face. Today I needed a photo to go on freelance websites to advertise my lovely self. So, there I was in the garden in a work shirt, with far too much make up on and sweltering in the 30 odd degree heat.
I now have approximately 74 out of focus photos (Mr B moves a lot while he's taking photos), 23 photos of me pulling this quizzical expression as I try to work out why Mr B is holding the camera that way or exactly what he's doing with the focus ring when it's on auto-focus, and 128 photos of me grimacing or pulling an otherwise inappropriate face.
And one that will do. (Just to clarify... that's not this one!)
Very frustrating. Work-wise all else goes well and I'm sure world domination through 'making stuff up for folk too busy to make stuff up for themselves' is just around the corner.
Don't worry: back to flowers and bugs tomorrow.
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