Leo ate my Keyring!

I had my morning session at work cancelled 12 miles into my journey. It was expected but still a bit annoying as I could have stayed in bed! But I had a rest of the morning off which was nice.

Then work in the afternoon and I popped into Daughter Number for for a cuppa and a catch up. I didn't get as long as I would have liked as I was stuck on the M25 for a ridiculous amount of time between Leatherhead and the M23 and Mr W was calling me home. I wish I could share my time more easily. 

Little Leo here took a bit of a shine to my Heart Button keyring and started chewing the buttons off then (playfully) sunk his teeth into my hand when I tried to retrieve it! Naughty Leo!

Then home for a cuppa soup and toast. We know how to live!

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