
By CharlotteJ

Proper Hugs

Part two to my blip yesterday!  THANK YOU for the hearts, stars, comments of support.

I decided to call mum.  We had a chat.  Mum was tearful.  I called back, I told her how I felt about things.  Mum listened.  We laughed.  Apparently I surprised her by my strong obserevations the other night and it was the 'kick' she needed.  I think we have surprised each other!!

We said 'love you' and promises of me texting at every possible moment.

An hour later I called Mum back.  Mum and Dad are coming for lunch tomorrow, for a proper hug....we leave at 4:30pm tomorrow for LHR.  I feel happier now.  I couldn't leave things as they were, even though everything was OK, it just wasn't right.  I have put that right!

I found this heart in my cupboard.....its rather fitting for today.


PS Apologies for the crap quality photo...its all out of focus....too tired and too much to do to change it!!

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