
By snailspace

Monday Outlook: Dull

Often bad weather makes for great photos, especially with the wonderful skyscapes we have here in Orkney. Not today though, dull, dull, dull. Nothing to see.

One good aspect to flat grey skies is the way that the sea comes up beautifully green - especially when left to the camera's jpeg conversion firmware. WYS is not necessarily WYG. Give me RAW every time. Today however I grabbed the peedie camera and not the Canon.

My year of Monday Outlooks is all but up. I wanted to capture the bay in all of its moods but eventually it seems to me to have yielded a great deal of dull. I am looking for a new project for next year and still wish to showcase the island. Perhaps not on a weekly basis and perhaps not always the same location. Come with me on tour? My Island, My Eyes is intended to get me out and about more. We shall begin in the New Year.

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