Needs Must

I managed to persuade His Lordship to brave the no 30 bus to the Kinnaird Park shopping centre and a visit to the Hobby Shop there.
The no 30 is a single deck bus, usually packed with a mix of humanity, some with which one would not normally want to share intimate space, but today we were lucky, there were no Staffie Bulldogs straining at the leash amongst the incumbents.

The Hobby Shop is my idea of Heaven, and I could gladly spend all day and all my money there. Today however I had something specific in mind, so it was a fairly quick in and out and with an added visit to M&S and Poundland, two extremes in the shopping experience, we hurried back through a bitter dreich day to the warmth of the Dower House .

I can't help wondering what the poor refugees brought to Scotland last week are thinking. Hopefully the weather is the last thing on their minds, but it still must be a horrible shock to be this cold and wet and the realise there are several more months of the same to come.

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