The arrival of the Christmas Nisse!!

Last weekend we entertained a relative from New Zealand, the weekend before that it was my Mexican Sister-in-Law. Today it was the turn of a Norwegian friend to visit us! Our own personal Nisse arrived laden with Christmas presents from friends in Oslo, and we’ve sent him away with presents to take back to Norway.

“A nisse is a mythological creature from Scandinavian folklore typically associated with the Winter Solstice and the Christmas season. It is generally described as being no taller than three feet, having a long white beard, and wearing a conical or knit cap in red or some other bright color. It is known as a gift bearer and is considered one of the Swedish and Norwegian versions of Santa Claus, although not the same thing.” Wikipedia

Don’t forget to stir your Christmas Pudding mixture this evening, today’s Stir Up Sunday!!

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