Smiley Day

First ice of the season on the pond this morning - but we seemed to have avoided the snow.
It made for slippery roads on the way to the craft fair and lethal underfoot getting the blip.

Lovely bacon rolls and home made cakes to keep me going through the day - well, 2 coffees, a bcon roll, a bit of Millionaire Shortbread and bringing home a banana loaf.
There weren't as many people came to the dale as last year but, for me, that was fine. People who are interested in buying hand turned wooden objects like to talk about it and the processes involved in its making and that is easier when they don't feel crowded or rushed. Which means a better day's selling for me .................... Yippee!.

Rushed home after the sale to pick up SWMBO - but she was in bed not feeling well.
That meant it was just myself and Bags went down to Peebles to trade in both cars and collect the new one. Bags of course persuaded the salesman that she too should get a bottle of wine for saving them the bother of collecting the second car.
No pictures of the car for your delectation because it was dark when I got it ........... maybe tomorrow!

We went in to Edinburgh on the way home so Bags could collect another big canvas she had ordered - and I mean big! Just as well I now have an estate!

I am now off to wade through the huge users manual to find out how to use the sat-nav, radio, electric toys and gizmos etc.

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