Red Squirrel


Bathing Beetle

Bigger beetle.

OK, OK - it's not REALLY bathing of course! But after a fruitless hunt during my lunch break for the eggs (?) I put a link to on yesterday's blip, I came home tonight with no blip and no real idea what I'd use for one today. I'd stopped off for shopping en route from work, so was rather late home, had things to do and I didn't have much time to think about blipping. I went into the bathroom and saw this little beetle in my bath. I was just about to rescue it and put it outside when I thought 'hmmmmm' - well, after all one good turn deserves another doesn't it? So I grabbed some shots of it before returning it to its natural environment.
Just to illustrate the quirkiness of my camera, my bath's not really white - it's actually sage green but the camera obviously thinks otherwise! lol

Now, it's Friday night, I've only just eaten and Middy-cat's now laying flat out in the middle of the living room which means just one thing - he wants his nightly brush! Better go ... then the rest of the evening's mine .....
Have a great weekend blippers xx

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