Red Squirrel


Back to Beautiful Bracondale: Ladybird on Bramble


I've had a rubbish week sleep-wise, this is my first full 5 day working week this month and the hot and humid weather of yesterday and today has made me even more tired - by late morning I could happily have dozed off at my desk! So I decided lunchtime to take a walk into Bracondale wood armed with my camera. It seems like ages ago I was last there. The trees, birdsong and wildlife really nourished my soul, and the fresh air woke me up considerably.
Of the shots I took I ended up hard pressed to choose between three, but since I usually have difficulty getting a decent macro of a ladybird, this one got my vote for my blip.

The other two which were contenders are:
1) These curious fungi on a decaying fallen tree branch. They remind me a bit of jellyfish!
2) This rather strikingly marked snail.

Still, at least today's blip was virtually on my doorstep (well, on my employers' doorstep to be pedantic) - unlike yesterday's beautiful fungus which took me to the other side of Norwich!

Edit: Following some editing and twiddling by a friend it appears the 'fungi' almost certainly aren't fungi - but are the eggs of something. Which of course poses a question - of what? I plan to try to find them again and monitor them over the coming week.........

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