Es Vedra

Poor Asha was up all night coughing & feeling no school for her today. We took a leisurely drive to the gorgeous, mystical & highly magnetic Es Vedra, armed with coffee & Stollen bites (thanks to Han!). 

Then this evening Han & I got the bus over to San An to have a drink with Abby - a lovely evening, complete with a platter of iberian ham, manchego cheese, olives & bread. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Finding some propolis cough stuff for Asha - hoping it does the trick & she improves quickly.
2) Hearing that our beloved Marco SH is back on the island!! He's been travelling & wasn't due back for a while...clearly the magnetism of the island & Es Vedra has drawn him back!
3) Time with Han & Abby...I think the last time the 3 of us had an evening of just us, was pre Abby's wedding when we were making the favours...I was VERY pregnant & laughing so much I was concerned labour might start!

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