Mish Mash of Memories

A cheat blip really, but this has been a highlight of my day! I discovered a whole load of locked photos in my flickr account...I think I must have set it to auto sync all my computer pics...I found loads of photos I'd totally forgotten about, quick snapshots from Asha's early days when we lived in south Birmingham...I was transported back five & a half years! It reminded me how much fun we had getting to know Asha in those early days & months...how completely one-eyed I was (still am!) about her! 
Thanks to all of you who were so much a part of those months...precious times.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Wonderful memories re-lived.
2) A lovely morning with Danny.
3) Joha running towards me, arms outstretched, shouting my name! She was copying how the 2 girls were as they ran to each other from opposite ends of the road...but i still enjoyed it!

Apologies to those of you who were harrassed about lunchtime...getting loads of whatsapp pic blasts from the past! Ha! xx

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