Supporting Uncle Andy!

When one has a (minor) rock god for an uncle, one really must show support!
Andy will be playing at T in the Park with Davey Horne on Friday next. On the T-break Stage, 6.00 pm for those who will be there. (Plug over!) Can we please order up a few days of dry mild weather so the guys and gals can have a good weekend.
A heavy box arrived yesterday with all the flyers and a selection of promotional stickers for the band so we popped one on Euan's top and tried to get him to sit still for a second. Just made it and no more. How is it that children and pets instinctively know when you are going to take a photo and move at exactly the crucial moment?
Really not been out much today due to all the rain so we were delighted to see Ali & Euan when they popped in .
Well, Friday has rolled around once again so have a very happy weekend all Blippers everywhere.

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