If the lord is willing and the creek don't rise...
...on a mission today to buy a car for my niece, who is coming home from New Zealand with her family mid-December - yay!
They were intending to come over for a month at Christmas and then return for the foreseeable in May, but somehow everything has become telescoped and it all has to be done by December 16th... and they have a visit to Australia to see her husband's family to fit in before then... and they have two children under the age of 3... and a house to clear and possessions to "container up".
Understandably, Anne is rather swamped at the mo, so she asked Roy to work his magic on finding a ( very specific! ) car, which he did, near York. So today we were on a mission to test drive it - and the mission was only slightly impeded by the incredible floods and the impending arrival of Barney... At Tadcaster the river had burst its banks, and only about a foot of a set of football posts could be seen above water. The flood in today's blip was on our test route, and taken on my phone - we guessed it was about 4ft deep, so decided to turn round...
Anyway - job done, purchase confirmed, car to be driven away next week and left ready for action on my sister's drive. Phew - off to badminton now!
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