In Brief, for once...

By JaxI


Is it me, or has summer suddenly decided to really arrive? Maybe yesterday it tried itself on, but today it is here with confidence.
For the first time in ages I had a day off when there was nothing I "had to" do. Plenty of stuff I "could" or "should" do, but no "have to"s. Bliss.

So decided to undertake the challenge of setting up our new pool to surprise M when she came back from school. 2 hours, a revisiting of my Krypton factor of zero, and a touch of heat stroke later, the pool which according to the instructions should never be "built by less than 2 persons" on a balcony was ready.

The smiles of children (young or old) which can be easily procured by a large body of water are always worth the effort and the money.

Let's just hope the weight of the water doesn't actually send the whole lot crashing through my bedroom ceiling then, eh....

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