feet well travelled

By feettravelled


The day started by being late down my a Zambian friend I had arranged to meet at 9am, and who obviously decided to forget that and make me wait for her. Anyways, whilst waiting I enjoyed looking around the local market and bought some great second bargins!

I first noticed this little girl (I think it's a girl!!) whose mother was selling clothes, when I felt something touch my foot.

When I looked down I realised it was a squidge of humanity......small in stature, with her clothes covered in layers of dust.....she was amazed at the colour of my skin and wanted to check to see if she rubbed it, if it would turn the chocolate brown that she saw all around her. She looked at me with utter awe when she realised I was actually that colour, all naturally!

I carried out some interviews today: one with the nurse at Isubilo, learning more about the symptoms of HIV and side effects of the drugs and malnutrition information. Another with my friend from the 9am slot and a few others too. My work is coming on slowly but surely :)

Then I met Banana and we went for a shopping trip....to various places, lots of faces and a very very hot sun! we bought some goodies for the long weekend :)

Once home we fancied a bush bike ride, and had the best time ever. The sun was warm but cooling down, the children were amazing....running alongside us for about 20 minutes and just generally awesome. The bush never fails to make me feel like I'm in Africa and I'm an adventurer!

We came across a man digging in the middle of the road we were cycling along.

We stopped to ask him what he was building.

He said he was building his house

We were both amused and asked why he was building in the middle of the road

He didn't seem amused by this and with a dead pan face told us that this was his plot and it wasn't the middle of the road.

We cycled off chuckling!

One thing I LOVE about Zambia, is that you meet some amazing people, hilarious situations in the most unexpected places.

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