
By JoppaStrand

It is a small world ...

On my way home from half way around the world I shared a lift with this man from the terminal to the shuttle train.

By chance we found ourselves, later, crammed into a corridor on the  Heathrow Express into Paddington.

At the Conference in Singapore the outstanding speaker had been Robert Swan - the first man to have walked to both North and South Poles. His message is a simple one that we must all do something to preserve the fragile ecology that holds our planet together - and us with it.

In chance conversation with this stranger on the train I discovered that this is David Pritchard who had just spent his two week holiday in Nepal volunteering to rebuild  a school razed by the recent earthquake there. 

What was even more extraordinary is that his next expedition is to be with his good friend Robert Swan to Antarctica!

It really is a small world. We so need  amazing people like Robert and David to help us all to ensure we do not let the polar ice caps get any smaller. 

( Flying less, I hear you say, would help indeed. Or if we have to fly, fly less often in planes that carry more people?)

The eagle eyed will have noticed that this really is yesterday's blip but my excuse is that jet lag confuses the blipper,  and the days are all out of step. The coincidence of this chance meeting had to be recorded. 

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