Mono Monday money...

A rotten day all day. Blowing a hooligan and chucking with rain for most of it.
First job was to bring an Angus bull in from the field to join another and 2 old cows going away on a lorry. He has only worked 3 years,but his hip is knackered so can't serve cows. Hopefully we will get back a portion of what he cost .
A different lorry in for the 45 store cattle heading to Aberdeenshire before lunch. For a wee while was beginning to feel solvent ,then the post man arrived with the usual stack of bills ! As usual in this job it is all about cash flow,and it flows out a lot quicker than it flows in.
A van in  from Castle Douglas with roof sheets . He said it had been a fun drive !
Spent the afternoon hanging from a tractor loader cleaning out over flowing gutters.
The extra was the "wind in the willows " round the duck pond this morning

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