
For me, blips definitely come in 3s...nothing for aaaages then 3 all at the same time! Wasn't sure which to make my photo, I loved the sun setting...but also Asha holding an offering of stones. (Have now swapped my main & my extra around!)
A great time studying part of the Bible this morning, with the Claytons.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) A wonderful woman joining blip - that news gave me a serious lift in a flat moment. Grateful for both her AND her joining blip.
2) A really good book I've just started - Practice Resurrection; A conversation on growing up in Christ. So far it's been really interesting, by Eugene H Peterson. 
3) A fun hour on the rocks with Asha...we enjoyed creating pebble sculptures, throwing stones in the sea, and just being together. Plus the sunset was very pretty.

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