Garden Day
There are lots of seedheads around the garden just now, of course. Also lots of unseasonal flowers, but on this very autumnal-feeling day a leek seedhead feels more appropriate.
Mr B was off to London this morning (after a bit of a kerfuffle caused by my forgetting to renew his airport parking permit) so I devoted the day to the garden. Another bed is dug over ready to be filled with something delicious, the paths are nearly all ready to be covered in some sort of weedstop fabric and (probably) some tiles from upstairs, and the shed planning permission is finally submitted...
Now off to collect CarbBoy from basketball, throw some dinner on the coffee table and get stuck into the (nearly) last Downton before I stumble across any more spoilers.
When I rule the world, it will be against the law to publish any reviews of or spoilers for TV shows until 48 hours after the episode has been aired. This will be punishable by being forced to watch Peppa Pig non-stop for 48 hours in a room full of cranky four year olds.
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