They've stolen the Sugar Loaf!

Rain has looked imminent all day, it started to drizzle when I went to Botafogo to collect some photos, and came thundering down after I got home – short and sharp. Risking life and limb, I crossed the expressway in Botafogo (there was almost no traffic) to get a shot of the footie on the beach. The Sugar Loaf has either melted in the rain, or it’s hiding behind the cloud on the right.
The intention was to go to the hills today and stay till Monday, but I was quite relieved when HH seemed doubtful , so we stayed put and a Saturday at home with no particular agenda has been delightful. I turned my back on the major sorting out and took care of a few small tasks- and even managed to get half-way through the paper. Now going to see which photo frames are salvageable (the wretched supports/legs/whatever they’re called always collapse, leaving nice wooden frames unusable). Hang them on the wall? but more wall space needed.

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