Images from flowerspasms

By flowerspasms

A portrait of creativity

Over a period of almost a year work has sent us on a work management course where we have learnt tools to help us become better leaders and coaches, manage conflict, problem solve, communicate, build teams etc... & today we had to put in practise what we learnt by working in a different company, with different (external) people and clients.

We found ourselves at - they make furniture out of recycled cardboard teaching the unemployed transversal skills and craftsmanship.

Our task was we had a brief from a client, we had a tight deadline, had to come up with a prototype & presentation to the customer of our concept/solution.

In this pic you see in the background some of the type of furniture made and in the foreground you have Martin an artist who works at Descarte. Although he wasn't part of my team, I found the unique brush placement v. cool and perfect for today's blip!

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