Trek day two

Morning dawned clear and bright - temperatures had dropped below freezing overnight but once the sun rose at six, it quickly warmed up and we had breakfast in the open air. A flask of thyme tea, bread with honey and peanut butter, some porridge and a banana.
Just as well we ate well before setting off since today we had 8 hours of walking , 16 miles to cover and up to over 14,000 feet. Phew! Stupendous views and the weather stayed good until we arrived at Chennek campsite around 3pm, when it began to hail (!) and then torrential rain fell...rivulets of water had to be quickly diverted from our tent, the only implement handy to dig a trench was a piece of wood so progress was slow, but flooding averted. (see extra).
A party of British trekkers who were slower than us came in at 4pm, absolutely soaked..

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