Englishman in Bandung

By Vodkaman

Cedrik the dove

As I am a bit pressed for time today, with still the packing to do, I decided it would be prudent to just do a Cedrik update.

Bless his little heart, he is still supplying lumber for his wife for nest building, but she just has no clue as to how to start the build. Women!

I collected all the fallen twigs first thing this morning, as I usually do. I set up on my cushion and within a minute Cedrik started his daily chore. The first few runs were to the same location, under my eaves and on the satellite dish bracket. But, to my surprise, they suddenly changed to a new location at the adjacent block of flats. Not so dumb then!

Upon investigation, I found them sitting on the same satellite dish bracket at the new location. I guess I spoke too soon. I reckon that these birds are destined to join the dodo in the future history books.

I am really getting to grips with the new equipment. I cranked up the ISO to grab some speed and depth of field, a vast improvement on previous attempts.

Thanks for all the good wishes and support.


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