Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady

Farm sunrise

Lovely sunrise this morning as I walked round the tupping fields with Pip and Breagh panting alongside me keen to get to work not knowing that all we were doing is a gentle gathering of the flocks together with their tup. Their joy at this simple little task brings joy to me. By the time we were back at the house it was beginning to become overcast, so the main dog walk was a bit more gloomy but they were all up for a play today.

Afterwards a catch up with housework and then sorting my sheep records after the weekends handling. Was going to get onto my coursework but the migraine I have been fending off has decided to hit me and even the brightness of the computer screen is too much! A quiet evening should see it gone I think.

12c bright sunrise then becoming overcast then grey drizzle from midday.

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