Birthday party!!

Katie has been soooo excited about today. Today was her birthday party. She would not be dissuaded from having a ballet party again, and she had a glorious time accordingly. I am so grateful that her teachers see how important it is to her and agreed to do it again.

 We were up early doing jobs, then she went to church with Aunty Emma. She was pleased to see her cousin who was visiting from university. She couldn't wait to get into her new ballet dress, get all sparkled up and head off. 

She was an explosion of excited energy when we got to the studio! I'm not sure we will be able to do the same thing again as there is now quite a difference between her friends who don't do ballet and those who do - some of them were a little freaked by the "class format" that her teacher chose this year. But Katie had an amazing time. Shee was chuffed to bits to be dancing to cygnets from Swan Lake!! The little trio here makes me smile - Katie's oldest friend Bobbins and her best friend from ballet. They got split up at one point and apparently Bobbins ran up to the teacher and said "EXCUSE ME!! I was with them!!!" They were gorgeous and stunning ballerinas, all did a little performance in groups then were hilarious dancing round to the conga.  

"You are amazing, mama. That was a fantastic day!" she squealed as we packed up after. I had (ridiculously) planned to get her to do the outstanding homework we've had hanging over us all holiday. I walked through the door to the chaos we'd left and told her "forget it, lets tidy up and open some presents". A much better plan, we both decided. What a birthday my gorgeous girl has had!! 

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