Back to It....

They had a half term homework (a ridiculously pretentious, though well-intentioned homework). We did the practical "leaf gathering" side of it at the start of the holiday. But the holiday itself has been insane, and not at all holiday-like, so the leaves then sat there unwritten on. I abandoned all pretence last night that we were going to attempt it after her birthday party and suggested we get up and do it straight away this morning. We did spray painting, leaf-printing, rubbings, sticking and annotating. She did love doing it, and it was wonderful to see her imagination letting loose as she came up with the story concepts for the board that we were creating. 

She's wearing pyjamas her friend gave her for her birthday. She won't normally wear non-onesie pjs. But these are sparkly, have a ballerina on them and come with a big snuggly "tuddle jumper". Almost perfection for Katiemoo

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