The best wake-up call

The wren and the sparrow competed this morning to see who could sing loudest and longest (an avian version of The Voice)? I was happy to listen and still more so to hear the Trogon, albeit from quite far away. Not quite as impressed with the parakeets screeching as they flew over or settled in the tree near the window, but they didn’t stay long.
Everything had settled down by 6.30 and I got up shortly after for a wander with the dogs and the camera . To discover that a wren is nesting in the box at the front of the house was pure delight. We’ve had that box a long time, but hanging it in a tree didn’t work and then it sat about in the junk room for years. We finally hung it under the eaves after the roof was redone, and bingo! It has found favour.
HH slept in till nearly 11. I was beginning to worry, but he emerged just as I went to check on him. By this time, I was running out of steam, so I read the paper and footled about till lunchtime, then took the dogs for a walk before diving into bed for a nap. Later I got as far as starting to sort some papers, but somehow the rest of the day has evaporated without much sign of progress.

Bedtime, with the soothing sound of steady rain. After this long drought, one can only be glad of it.

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