Red Flash

By RedFlash

Waterloo Bridge

Waterloo Bridge is a road and foot traffic bridge crossing the River Thames Blackfriars Bridge and Hungerford Bridge. The name of the bridge is in memory of the Anglo-Dutch and Prussian victory at the Battle of Waterloo in 1815. In this direction you are looking to the east and can see St Pauls, the Gherkin and the Shard (still not complete)

The first bridge on the site was opened in 1817 as a toll bridge. From 1884 serious problems were found in the bridge piers, from the increased river flow after Old London Bridge was demolished. By the 1920s the problems had increased, with settlement at pier five necessitating closure of the whole bridge while some heavy superstructure was removed and temporary reinforcements put in place.

The bridge that I crossed to take this was completed in 1945.

It is the only Thames bridge to have been damaged by German bombers during World War II. As the work force that repaired the damage were mainly women it is sometime referred to as "the ladies' bridge"

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Waterloo Bridge Song - Louise Marshall - the things that you find on the internet

The thing that made me smile: I've found some more black telephone boxes.

Hula Hooped to: Given up hula hooping and I'm doing sit ups instead

PS if you live in the Winchester area and would like to hear me sing, the Winchester Community Choir is performing on 3 July in Winchester. Contact me if you would like some tickets. They are £5 each

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