
So, its started. Murray, 10/10 apparently.
Millie jumped off the new window seat and was limping as we set off for our evening walk. I had planned quite a lengthy walk, but as she was limping, we went once 'round the field and came home.
Here are the nails I bought for DD, she said 'i'm not wearing those', so I am!
Ex has broken yet another agreement :( I think he thought i wouldn't say anything, annoying thing is, when I asked DS, he gave me one opinion. He then told his dad something different, leaves me looking like a control freak. Ho hum.
A friend let me down the other day, I mailed her to ask a favour, instead of replying honestly, with I can't do that, she didn't reply at all. I thought maybe I had sent it to the wrong address. I can take 'no' , I don't like......... silence.
and, the git has said he never wants to live with anyone else... not sure if that means I am the only person he could live with, or having suffered living
with me he can't face it again. Lets hope the women he is currently with know this.
In other news, my solicitor seems to think the scoundrel (his word) who wandered off with some of myoney, might not be forced to give it back, whereas I will be obliged to return any items of his which are still in my possession. The law's an arse. (i know the saying is 'ass' but I prefer 'arse'

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