Short Back and Sides, Sir?

Today we took a stroll up Gowan Hill (Mote Hill?) in Stirling which is the site of the "Beheading Stone" hence my attempt at gallows humour.
Regardless of the grizzly history and a couple of ancient cannons, there are some great views sadly masked by some serious weed growth (Stirling Council please note!)
Apparently the stone was used in the execution of those of noble birth in or about the 15th century. Lesser mortals had to "dance the Tyburn jig". Harsh times!
Back at the foot of the hill, we strolled over to the Old Stirling Bridge (see MaggieD's blip) before lunching courtesey of a local baker.
We were out and about for much of the day trying to avoid the racket and disruption caused by the continuing road works. The mechanical dinosaur, subject of yesterday's blip, has attacked and chewed up the surface right outside the house and a sub- layer of tarmac applied. The road-layer machine and a roller have been parked at the top of the cul-de-sac, hopefully safely. Hope they return soon to complete the job.
The rain has returned so Rona will probably just get a short stroll this evening although I doubt if she will mind very much!

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