
By lj_unoxx

Blast from the Past

Super duper healthy day today - the diet starts in earnest!

Chia vanilla and almond pudding for breakfast with almonds, banana and raspberries. Kale, carrot, chicken and halloumi salad with avocado for dinner and snackses of almonds, macadamia nuts and dried mango :) delish

Had lovely surprise today - Sanjay was on campus! For those who don't know who he is, he was my best girlfriend at Barts. Really fantastic lad. So pleased I got to see him - seems to be doing well at work and looks happy :) only wish we had a bit longer than ten minutes to catch up

Photos arrived from snapfish. They've come out nicely and have added a homely feel to my bedroom

GP surgery and rest of the learning objectives tomorrow - another long and busy day. At least it's practical this time

At 21:19 I'm now clocking off and going to bed for a well deserved rest. God bless all X

P.s freezer still not fixed...

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