Between fen and mountains

By Tickytocky

Floating leaf

Today has been a day devoted solely to jobs.  In the morning I swept up leaves in the courtyard in preparation for a delivery of gravel tomorrow only to find an hour later that the wind had blown in more leaves than I had swept up!  At least it dried all the sheets on the line. I renewed several insurance policies and after a bit of research got very significant discounts when I complained that the prices were excessive.  It is irritating that the price quoted is never the real price and, like buying a car, everything has to be negotiated.  I then made a wild boar casserole having marinaded the meat overnight in apple juice, onion, garlic, paprika, herbs, cider vinegar and Worcester sauce.  Today I added figs and carrots and cooked it long and slow.  It tastes good and I am already looking forward to eating some of it tomorrow.  Tonight I have been invited to eat with a friend so no food preparation is necessary for tonight.

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