Things that make me smile

By sarahhallett

Le Tour Eiffel

We had planned an early visit to the Eiffel Tour to avoid the notorious long queues. However the early morning fog put paid to that! So we headed back after lunch when the sun started to appear, to join the huge queues.

I thought we'd be waiting hours but it did move quite quickly, and this was also helped by some in-queue entertainment. The people in front of us had 2 pushchairs and there were signs everywhere stating we were in the queue for stairs only! Don't know how they thought they were going to get 2 toddlers who didn't want to walk and 2 pushchairs up over 600 steps?! Very amusing arguments erupted with the security guards, but they eventually moved aside. Made the time fly by!

The views from the top were worth the queues and the conditions turned out to be perfect.

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