Autumn Sunshine

Another lovely day :) 

Don't like it getting dark so quick though, migraine brains do not like headlights! 

Good news courtesy of Lewis Hamilton; quite nice news that a man from the RHA retweeted my little lorry blog today :) 

And, South Cambs District Council who e-mailed to say I could have the licence I need to proceed with my house purchase. No idea how long it takes to get officially done but a yes is a start! Of course being SCDC they want silly money just to type on a couple of bits of paper, there is no physical work to be done. My solicitor had preempted this by approaching the other side for a contribution. Unlikely I'd have thought as it's outside of the actual property and land I'm buying. I, naively it seems, thought as I will be paying an annual fee, there were no other costs involved!

How was your Monday? 

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