Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady

Who me?

I missed the main group of swans flying off the loch this morning. I heard them as I was feeding the sheep. I was dancing up and down with disappointment but it cant be helped. I walked by where they were to see if there was still some left, their was only a wee group there.

Today husband and I have put the yellow earings in our sale sheep (tagged them). They now have a chip in the tag and a fancy reader at the mart will take note of their numbers before they are sold. They aren't as good as last year the lambs mainly due to the lack of growth of grass this spring and summer. Hopefully get a reasonable price for them as we need the money to buy our winter feeding. The trailer is all set to go at the shed ready for loading them early in the morning.

I'm having to use basic uploader for blip keeps saying my photos aren't a valid jpeg file when they are so no thumbnail fun!!

9c 15mph SE threatening rain all day but mostly dry, wind feeling colder.

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