Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

Couldn't resist......

.........well I'd bought the bouquet and presented them to Mrs C on Saturday at the party. The stigma were about to be snipped off due to their ability to stain everything in sight so a quick blip was in order.

We had to take Blue to the vet's today as he had broken off part of one of his front teeth. It was a rather emotional time as we were in the vet's waiting room sitting next to a lady with her 21 year old black cat. Regretably the time had come for her to say goodbye.

It brought back memories of our last cats, two sisters, almost 18 years old, who both succumbed to kidney failure within three months of each other.

The lady went in to see the vet with her little black cat, ..................but came out alone.

We were so glad we arranged for a vet to come out to home when the time came for our two. I cried buckets on each occasion as I dug small graves.

Blue appeared on the scene at around the same time; a stray who slept in our garden on occasion and soon climbed into our hearts.

It is surely our most important responsibility to know when it is time for our pets to leave us. I hope the lady in the vet's finds a Blue very soon.

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