
....both our day and these girlies into the miniature bath!
Breakfast, park, fro-yo, mooching round shops, walks, picnics by the sea, paddling, chiringuitos (beach hut cafés), beautiful drives home, tea, wine, baths, film, bed!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) SO MUCH FUN. Been such a treat having the Bullis here! Gorgeous to watch Asha and Eve together...though they've had one or 2 fall-outs (quickly resolved though!). And gorgeous Zeke - so lovely to see him LOVING the sea. See extra for girlie delight!
2)Good weather - so glad we can get out and about and enjoy the island....especially after our week of drabness!
3) Party Ring biscuits - Suzy brought some over for me!! Love them, plus they've been a good bargaining tool with the girls.

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