In the dark

It's that time of year....coming home in the dark.....booooooooooo!

Fair enough, it's my late night but once the clocks change it will soon be dark at either end of the working day.

Today's been a long ass day, not helped by having long ass appointments cancel.
I've tried saying before that I'm not convinced hour long appointments are a good idea, for this very reason; it only takes one to cancel and it opens up a huge chunk of my day. Get a couple in a row and it's horrendous.

It's not all bad though, it gave me time to finally set up some templates for my clinical notes which is something I've been meaning to do for ages (I've been there almost a year now!).

Tonight's blip very uninspired I know, is just outside work.

PS....for anyone interested, the other photos from yesterday and Theia's christening are now on my Flickr page

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