To Tresco today in the hope of seeing a rare Hudsonian Whimbrel. We may have seen the top of its head before a Buzzard zoomed through and frightened all the birds off, but we could not identify it as a Hudsonian so it was disregarded. Dip. Not that I'm bothered. G has already seen one, and I'm, well ....... not that bothered.

Absolutely beautiful island though and hopefully available for a repeat visit to see the Abbey gardens. I did spot a craft/fabric shop and nipped in. Their fabrics were 5 times the price of my home town stuff but I thought I would buy a smidgen of a gorgeous one of theirs. Turned out in was the end of the roll so I bought it all and thought I would keep very quiet about the price. As I left the shop, G said "Did I hear £18?!!" I stuck my head through their window and suggested they close it before announcing the price in future.

They laughed, but I think Tresco is a place that if you need to ask the price then you shouldn't be there.

Later, 2 simple ice creams cost nearly £4!!

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