Another year older......

My office staff gave me a present today - a book of signs that I will be able to display on my desk for all to see. This is an example of one of them. most of them are quite amusing such as "TELL ME WHAT YOU NEED - and I'll tell you how to get along without it"
On the back are little extracts of CV's and employee appraisals.
A couple that particularly took my eye were "This employee is depriving a village somewhere of an idiot" and " I would not allow this employee to breed"
Probably all made-up, but a bit of fun all the same.
My wonderful girls have bought me a stand-ticket to all 3 days of the British Grand Prix next year.
I think flick will be getting me a Speedlite. Last year she bought me a wooly hat from a charity shop - but we were on holiday in Cornwall then, and it kept my head as warm as toast, so was most welcome. The flashgun will be a little more expensive, but it won't keep my head as warm.
Thanks to everybody for the prezzies!

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