A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Party Girl

This should probably be a photo from her birthday party in trampoline heaven this afternoon but for one, taking photos of girls leaping in the air is a tricky challenge. And for two, I really love this picture of Carl and Anna having a little blues jam together.

A slowish start all round as the boys who stayed over were gradually peeled away from the pinball and playstation as they were collected by their parents. Jackson managed to get a bit of a lie-in and has done pretty well to cope with the expected aftermath. And he was still so happy with the party.

For the most of the day the focus has been on this one and the build up to her birthday party which was noisy and slightly bonkers and it was fabulous and she loved every second of it.

So another birthday weekend successfully under our belt. And now a quiet evening with Downton Abbey and Albi lying across my feet.

Lesley x

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