Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching


Ms C left us to day, one of the most popular members of staff and voted employee of the year last spring. For me it was goodbye second time around as we worked together in London back in the 90s. Managed to grab a selfie. This led to an impromptu singing of the Bee Gees “if you leave me now…” by the comms team which resulted in much wailing of teeth and gnashing of eyebrows, or something along those lines. If I had only had a toilet roll to hand …
As for the rest;
Feeling crap again today and this got worse as the day went on. I think it’s called Viral Non Specific Grungy-itis.
Spent the morning in a workshop in a church hall. Only towards the end did I notice an inflatable Minion wedged high in the old oak rafters of the gabled roof, grinning idiotically down at us as if it had found the proceedings amusing (which they generally weren’t). 
Glad to have Top Gun home from Paris - he had a great time. 

A passer-by bought Dylan in tonight - one of many locals who have got to know him and know us - he is so the neighbourhood cat.
Hope I wake up feeling better tomorrow …

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