A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Last explore.

Our last morning in Budapest and just an hour after breakfast to have a last look around.

Last night after dinner we discovered that the fascinating old town district on the edge of the Jewish quarter was literally just one street behind us. So we went back to have a closer look at some of the things we had rush past in the rain on our food tour. In particular there was some interesting street art, one being a map of this fascinating area- see extra

We also found the theatre district on a square just of Andrassy Ut. A lovely Art Nouveau building with brass footprints in front of it of no doubt famous Hungarian thespians or singers. They were full of rain this morning as we had horrendous down pours in the night.

It has been a fascinating break in this lovely city and there is lots more I'm sure we could see and explore.
We were initially drawn to Buda with its great buildings and views from the hills over the River Danube but Pest, in particular the old district, has so much to offer.

Been brilliant ladies, thanks for your company and inviting me along and in particular thanks to J - Yorkshirebred - for organising it all.

To the next time!

PS will do a Flickr album link later.

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