
By Hayls

Forests and fairies

Feeling a bit delicate this morning after last night's shenanigans. It was fun though!

I decided to completely ignore all the messages of pain and queasiness that my body was sending me and made the most of the day.

Started off by making butter gumballs (delicious!), then into the car with the family to the Lake of Menteith, then onto a boat to Inchmahome Priory. Even with eldest and youngest marauding around, the priory still managed to exude peace and tranquillity. The woodland around the priory is simply stunning. Some of the trees are the most extraordinary size and shape and I would not be at all surprised to learn that they walk about the priory at night.

Aberfoyle for ice-cream next and then we took a walk up into the woods to find a fairy woodland we'd been told about. It was a bit out of the way but we found it eventually and it was really quite beautiful. People go there to decorate the trees with their wishes and leave offerings for the fairies. Some of the wishes are very touching, such as wishing people better, wishing for a baby after years of trying, stuff like that. It's a fascinating place and, like the priory, has that air of tranquillity and mystery. The blip shows eldest writing down his wishes which of course, I can't share. Won't come true otherwise.

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