
By Hayls

Glasgow Mela 2012

At lunchtime today I ordered my family to don their waterproofs and get their backsides into the car so we could head off to Kelvingrove Park. There was a not inconsiderable amount of grumbling and grumpiness. However, we are now all in agreement that mother knows best because the Mela Festival was officially awesome.

The guys in the blip were just one of the fantastic and colourful sights that we saw. We listened to amazing drummers, watched a hilarious Indian Magician, fell about on the ice-rink, watched a Nepalese lady make a bowl from leaves, made wooden pencil holders, played about in a fire engine and generally had a ball.

To add to the overall multiculturalism of the day I'm going out for dinner tonight with a bunch of ladies from a whole host of countries - France, Germany, Poland, America, Finland (I think!), not forgetting Scotland and England. Anyway, off to get ready now - Sayonara!

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