Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Cabbages and Kings

The Roman Emperor Diocletian, in the 4th Century, got fed up with running the whole imperial show and retired to a palace in Croatia where he took up gardening. Apparently he wrote to friends saying that growing cabbages was one of the greatest achievements of his life. Therefore I too have decided to become a brassica man and am planning for the future accordingly.
As for the rest:
Some serious Turkish Delight eating going on at work today.
Had a new 2TB hard drive delivered from Amazon and collected a wonderful framed print of the south bank from the local gallery.
My sister’s birthday. I remembered but got the day wrong. We spoke, chiefly about Aged P’s dentures,  and I put a card in the post. 
Top Gun is in Paris and having a great time - did Versailles today.
The Girl Racer is on a road trip and heading for Seattle.
I had my monthly shiatsu massage.
So better. But I still wish I was on holiday…Or better still retired and growing cabbages.

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