
By pensionspoet

Fuzzy Barn Owl

Hate getting up on a Monday morning. I think Sunday nights are shorter than the rest. I think there is something wrong with you if you like getting up in the dark and the cold. I'd make a rubbish Eskimo.

Left the house after H but before Jon & Mollie. On the bus I read my 'Eat that Frog' book. Got to work and sorted out a couple of worries straight away, so Friday is now sorted. Only a zillion worries left to sort out now...

Worked as hard as I could. I think that's all that is expected. At lunch time whizzed out to the bank, then my afternoon went a little faster than my morning. I think I may have been a bit nicer to be with pm than I was am!

Home by 5.15 which was fab and I grabbed Henry, dog leads, dog bags and dogs & we went for a longish walk. Stood in a field and watched this beautiful barn owl swooping across looking for his dinner. That is my favourite thing about living in the country.

Back home I did dinner, and after we'd eaten and washed up, I hoovered. Just the lounge plus the kitchen ceiling. I normally only Hoover the ceilings if I'm expecting visitors, but the cobwebs were getting a bit too thick. I guess we don't get many visitors these days!!

Sat down and finished writing a poem I started at the weekend, for a work colleague. Her parents are celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary soon. I hope she likes it.

Now I was going to do some work on earrings, but in view of the fact that I must get up early tomorrow to walk dogs, I think I'll just go to bed. I've got a book to read. (Not the frog one!)

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